Thursday, December 20

The Start of Something New

Phew... We have finally created a blog at long last. We have been considering it for about 4 months now (yes, you've read that correctly, four). This was due to several constraints, such as the O Levels and the post O Level gaming spree. For starters, let me post something that has been written when we first came up with the idea and started a draft. Here you go...

It has been a while since AMD has shown up with something worthy of consideration in the microprocessor industry. In its latest addition to its FX and X2 family tree, AMD has announced its codenamed, Phenom, line of microprocessors. This is probably AMD’s last ditch attempt to regain its market lead. Intel, its main rival, has been topping the charts for the past one year with its Core 2 line of processors. AMD has boasted that their new line of processors has beaten Intel in various benchmarks, presumably claiming superiority over its rival. Hopefully for AMD fans and AMD itself, they will be right and the market sales will swing in their favour. On the contrary, Intel is already readying their update to their Conroe line of processors, codenamed ‘Penryn’. This is a ‘tick’ though. In other words, this is not a revolutionary change in their processor architecture, but rather a facelift with a smaller manufacturing process of 45nm. So will AMD manage to get back up on its feet? Or will Intel continue to slaughter them like they did during past one year? Only time will tell.

Plus, we have something more informal for a change...

Screw EA Games for messing with their patches for CNC3. In the latest patch 1.09, numerous ‘game balances’ (if you call it so) have been added. One if the worst updates include a change that makes the Mammoth tank turret’s rate of rotation slower by at least 50%. The big o’ Mammoth tank is already slow and un-maneuverable enough already for crying out loud! Adding these changes will only make the Mammoth tank an even more non-sensual purchase. Then, there is the new delay to the mothership. We all know that the mothership is used for a ‘blitzkrieg’ sort of game: we simply plant a signal transmitter at the enemy’s base and your opponent will be eating dust in no time. That’s provided you manage plant the transmitter there in the first place. However, there will now be an 8 second delay before the mothership gets deployed. In addition to the 10 second charge-up time before firing, the signal transmitter will be long gone with that 18 second window. So I guess the mother of all ships will just have to fire on the ground and cause no cataclysmic damage then. To make matters worse, the no-defense-production-for -cranes update has not been rectified. Urrggghh!!! Perhaps it’s still best to remain at v1.60.

And viola! There you have it, the very stepping stones for the rise of our blog. Stay tunned for more!


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