Saturday, December 22

my very first post...

Hey!!! This is officially my first post on this website. The first few posts have been solely by Felix, cuz I’ve been busy with the design of the website. Really, making this blog is like a totally new endeavour for me. Although I’m quite used to making websites, due largely to the fact that i am in the computer club of my school, making a blog is still relatively new to me. Making a blog requires dealing more much with HTML code than i would like. Oh yeah, my name is Bryan, almost forgot to introduce myself.

More about myself, I’m currently 16 years old, preparing to receive my O level results. Unlike Felix, I’m less into high end gaming than I am into producing multimedia content. So if any of you need tips on how to make videos or anything of that sort, I might be able to help.

One of my current passions is anime. You might not believe it but I have a 500GB portable HDD full of anime. Lols. Anyways for you anime fans, next year’s gonna be a big year. Why? Haruhi-sama from ‘The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi’ is coming back for a second season. So, be sure to your check out your favourite fansub.

Anyways, this concludes my first post. Stay tuned for my next post!


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