Saturday, December 27

Notes from the Lab

I bought a pair of Kingston 2GB SO-DIMMs from a Best Buy Boxing Sale today. It was on sale for half the retail price, which is obviously a pretty darn good deal. I installed it without much difficulty on my brother’s 2-3 year old Dell laptop, replacing his old 533MHz, 512MB pair to the spanking new 667MHz, 2GB pair. The installation process couldn’t be easier; I just had to loosen a couple of screws, pop a cover open, release the retention brackets, remove the old sticks, slot in the new ones and replace the cover. The entire process took no longer than 5 mins.

As anticipated, Windows XP detects approximately 3.25GB of RAM installed. Some say that upgrading from 1GB to 4GB on XP wouldn’t give much of a noticeable boost in performance. However, my experience falsifies that statement. The enhancement is downright tremendous. Windows Explorer is now openly more responsive and switching between tasks is now an instantaneous process. My brother had to wait 5 mins after exiting Battlefield 2 just to allow the laptop to turn usable again. But no longer; the desktop now appears without delay upon hitting the ‘Quit’ tab.

Gaming performance has benefitted from a similar outcome; I can now run Battlefield 2 on the highest details on a 1280x800 resolution with 4x Anti-Aliasing. Previously, the laptop struggles to produce a playable frame rate with even the lowest details activated.

With DDR2 RAM prices now hitting a record low, there’s no excuse not to get more of it.


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