Monday, December 1


Dec 2, 3 hours following original post, update: Wow, my phrase in the parenthesis below was spot on! The clips got removed in just 3 hours after I posted this article. Way to go, 20th Century Fox! Jokes aside, be sure to catch that comical episode elsewhere :)


I'll disregard my last statement to bring you this short post.

Remember the days where Nvidia's mobile graphics chipsets with heat related problems plagued the many Dell and HP notebooks? I sure do.

Well, I've got a feeling it's not over. Folks over at the Inquirer have found out the that the new MacBooks fitted with Nvidia graphics are also experiencing strikingly similar tribulations.


Plus, here's something to cheer Apple up: The Simpsons got another shot at mocking popular figures, and this time round, it's Steve Mobs and his prevalent Mapple.

(Don't be surprised if the vids get taken down, and soon)

Laugh it up,

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