Sunday, August 24

School's back, but with a twist

Once again, a 2 month holiday is drawing to an imminent close. It's September the 2nd to be precise. It's weird though, as time really flies swiftly during the holidays when compared to the school terms.

But this time round, it'll be a little different. On September 2nd, I'm off to a university. That's a post-secondary institution. I've always dreaded a university, as to me, it implies a strenuous period of unmitigated 'suffering'. My friend from my university once told me that most students who score for their provincial exams, usually flunk their university ones. I certainly do hope that wouldn't be the case for me, fingers crossed. He added that in our course, more that half of the undergrads fail the course, with only a handful acing it.

As for the university itself, it is the University of British Columbia. I've also been awarded a few scholarships too, but I shall not delve deeper into that :) Currently, I've been admitted into the engineering faculty. It's general engineering for now, and I'll get to choose the specifics after my first year.

Just yesterday, I made my first trip to the university to get a number of things done. Of which, one of them is to purchase my textbooks. Oh my! The textbooks are inexorable! Not only thickness wise, but also by the dire sticker shock. In total, I've splurged close to 700 CAD worth of remorseless books. And that's only for my first term, which typically lasts for 4 months. The journey there was also exhausting. It took me a grand total of 1 hour and 10 mins worth of train and bus commuting to arrive at my destination.

So now, I better cherish my last week of my holidays before my doom commences.

The ginormous campus

It ever awaits me,

(UBC logo from UBC campus image from

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