Monday, October 13

A Moment to Spare

Was clearing my camera's memory card a while ago, so I thought that it might be a good time to see what I had accumulated in the past few months. Most of the photos are trivial; with little to showcase about. But a couple of them looked kinda striking. This was what I could unearth:

Note that the following images are in their raw form. I haven't got the time to edit them just yet.

Moonlight Serenade
This is the view from outside my room. It's a pity that the position of the moon forced the horizon to be a tad too low. Love the lens flare effect of the moon though. The shot is a little overexposed as well.

Zoom Zoom
Nothing laudable here. It's just my first try at traffic photography. Gotta say that I really like the color composition.

Just a typical lampshade. I took the shot while testing my lens, but for some peculiar reason, I somehow fancy the image.

A Storm is Coming
A menacing storm cloud not to be trifled with. Thunderclouds here in Canada can get as ghastly as in Singapore.

Twilight Zone
Saving the best for last, this one's my personal favourite. It's a spectacular view outside my balcony. I spotted it one fine evening and was lucky enough to get a shot of it. As this was unexpected, I didn't have the opportunity to prep for a proper landscape shot. As you know, sunsets last no more than what? 10 mins? And the colours change real quick too. Thus, I propelled the ISO to 1600 and enlarged the aperture to a not-so-landscape-friendly f2.8. I just love the way the mountain range is silhouetted against the fading light. Somehow, the orange colour formed a distinctive streak across the sky. To sum up what the scene was like, it was magnificent. Like Bryan said, I don't suppose I'll ever get to see one of these in S'pore. Lucky me!

That's all, for now,

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