Thursday, June 5

I Need A Vacation

I sincerely regret to announce the following... I'll be taking a short break from posting articles, due to my impending provincial exams. They'll officially be over by 25th June though, so it shouldn't be too long a hiatus. Hopefully Bryan will be able to fill the empty spaces in, but I doubt it. We've haven't seen a post from him for months now lol!

Anyway, before I take my leave, I would like to post something about my life in Canada for a change (credit goes to my buddy, Mok). My high school prom was on May 10th (a little too little too late to point this out I believe, but better late than never! XD). In case my fellow Singaporeans aren't able to comprehend what in the world a 'prom' is, here's a little scoop of enlightenment: A formal dance held for a high-school or college class typically at or near the end of the academic year. (Source: Ha! Like the definition said, it's formal! So no shorts and flip-flops are permitted! Hmm.. I've never been able to envision myself in a suit back then. But after my first hand experience, at least I now know I don't look too bad in it, don't you think? (pictures coming up in just a moment) LOL! But don't get me wrong, I assure you, I'm not a narcissist.

Like I promised:

From left to right: myself; Darren Pereira; Robert Straw

Gino Lara; myself

Simon Chiarello; myself

Also, I just had my graduation commencement (ceremony) on June 1. A really boring one I must say! No one 'cept for my brother to watch me shake the hand of my vice-principal! I've managed to graduate with Honors too :P It's a fine goal to be sure! Plus, I've won some British Colombia Science Council Medal for having the best overall score for the 3 sciences. Again, I emphasize: I don't mean to boast. You guys want to know more about me in Canada right? Well, here you go then!

A grad breakfast was held earlier today. Though the food was not the best I've tasted (yuck!), it's free, so who cares?! The 'best' from the smorgasbord of dishes served has definitely got to be the french toast. It was close to eating stale bread that has been laying around in the arid open for an entire week to solidify. Yes, in other words, it was rock hard. We had a rowdy time of marking one another's yearbooks soon after. I count roughly 20 autographs so far.

One last thing. Permit me to digress back to tech stuff, I apologise. I had just purchased an Ultimate Ears Super fi. 5 Pro earphones from ebay. This is the first product that I have bought online too. It is well on the way onto my grasp, with an anticipated shipping time of 3-5 business days, sent from Pennsylvania, USA. The procedure has been pretty smooth so far, with paypal giving 'speedy' confirmations and all. I'll see how well it goes. A review of this product will be arriving shortly, perhaps after my exams. So keep a weather eye on the horizon.

See ya soon!

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