Tuesday, February 19

HD DVD's Mayday

R.I.P. HD DVD... all hail Blu!

Yep. You’ve guessed it: it’s the white flag for HD DVD.

After years of a seemingly endless struggle for superiority, Blu Ray has finally emerged as cream of the crop. The death of HD DVD was not an immediate one though, as it was struck by a series of unfortunate events. The devastating blow was the defection of Warner Bros, while others, such as the decision of Wal-Mart to go Blu exclusive, and Best Buy to recommend Blu over HD DVD further crippled HD DVD. With Toshiba throwing in the towel, many early birds are now desperate to get rid of their HD DVD machines by selling them online with huge discounts.

So, just like the previous format war with VHS and Betamax, consumers like us will be able to purchase a format without feeling worried that the opposing one will emerge victorious at the end. However, we should hold our horses for now, and wait till versions standardize (Blu Ray Profile 2.0 is said to replace 1.1) and prices plummet.

Sony was right after all, when it insisted many times that no matter how deep your pockets are, you can’t win a format war when you’re only the company behind it. It’s simply bad luck for HD DVD. It will cost Toshiba millions as its HD DVD productions come to a screeching halt. As for Sony, it’s not an all-out party for them just yet, as they have lost far more money on its PS3 even though it has won this war. It’s what I would like to call: a pyrrhic victory. When the dust settles, all major movie studios will go with the flow and publicize support for Blu Ray.

Hope this will get things going

(image from http://crave.cnet.com/8301-1_105-9874199-1.html)

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